January 31, 2013

The Argento by Joshua Skye

The Argento by Joshua Skye is now available in e-book format!

Beautiful transgendered Camilla Nicolodi has a lifelong obsession with eccentric Italian architect Giuseppe Soavi. Since childhood, she fantasized about the man and his work, dreaming she would meet, fall in love, and marry him one day. But the naïveté of youth fades into an adult desire to own a piece of his legacy. As his work was few and far between, most of it long left to ruin, she finds her wish in an old, rundown slum in New York.

Considered Soavi’s masterpiece, the Argento is a twenty-story residential building hidden in bustling, modern-day Manhattan. Neglected for decades, it’s now home to a festering community of indigents betrayed by contemporary culture to seek pleasures in otherworldly activities. They’ve turned rooms into gruesome shrines to a dark and monstrous entity.

Camilla vows to return the Argento to its original splendor. Spurred by her passion for Soavi and a budding camaraderie with her lawyer, Camilla undertakes the intimidating mission of bringing the Argento back to life.

But dark things fester in the shadowy halls and gloomy rooms, an ancient evil has taken up residence in the building, and it has no intention of being driven out. Cruel, devious, and perverse, the demon seduces trespassers, becoming all they desire and all they fear. The beast’s evil malevolence knows no limit, and it will stop at nothing to take back what it calls its own.

Read an excerpt or buy a copy today!

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